New summer school programme in “Geomatics for a Sustainable Environment” at University of Geneva

Acquire solid capacities in environmental geomatics to address the needs for assessing different natural capitals and their sustainability.

This CAS (Certificate of Advanced Studies) in Geomatics for a Sustainable Environment aims at providing attendees with an overview of the various existing tools and approaches to tackle the multidisciplinary environmental challenges. Any person interested and/or involved in environmental sustainability, natural capitals, biodiversity, ecosystem services and water resources can register, but the CAS is particularly targeting experts in geographic information systems interested in environmental sustainability, young graduates, PhD students and experienced professional/consultants who want to upgrade their knowledge and skills.

Presential and distance learning

The first module is a MOOC about ecosystem services for discovery or scientific knowledge consolidation of environmental geomatics to be completed in July-August 2017. The MOOC is available on Coursera: The second module, consisting of two parts, is organized as a two weeks summer school (4-15 September 2017) and presents different tools linked to Spatial Data Infrastructures, Web Mapping, statistics and programming, as well as specific thematic tools and approaches commonly used to address issues in biodiversity, ecosystem services or water resources. The second part of this module consists of remote integrative work that attendees will have to write based on the knowledge acquired during the summer school.

This programme is organized by the Institute for Environmental Sciences and the Faculty of Sciences at University of Geneva, with an active participation of experts from UN Environment/GRID-Geneva, EAWAG Zürich, the University of Lausanne and with close collaboration and support from the Group on Earth Observations.

Participants who successfully complete the programme will be awarded the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Geomatics for a Sustainable Environment (10 ECTS credits). More information is available here. The registration deadline is 15 June.

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