Co-designing the co-design of our Citizen Observatories
Who are the stakeholders in our six Demo Cases? What makes them tick? And how can we engage with them? These were the types of questions that were discussed during the GT2.0 plenary meeting of the GT2.0 partners in Barcelona on 12-13 December 2016.
The meeting was organized to prepare for the work on location in the Demo Cases which starts in 2017. It had a very interactive style, in line with the way we believe citizen observatories should be set up. According to the GT2.0 philosophy, end-users should be a partner in the design and creation of the COs in order to effectively capture their needs, requirements and experiences. So in this meeting, the GT2.0 partners contributed to the preparations of the co-design in the Demo Cases. All partners were (virtually) present and worked in groups on the respective demo cases.
The initial stakeholder analysis was verified through a mapping exercise and role play. For each Demo Case, conditions for the co-design methods were identified and an initial engagement strategy was drafted. In a workshop on the incentives & barriers for participation, the partners had to ͚look through the eyes͛ of the CO community members. There was also a workshop on data management strategies, a poster session on technology and standards and a prototype demonstration of the Gavagai monitor.
All results of the group work have been collected to prepare the first round of co-design sessions in the six Demo Cases. The first COs are expected to be launched at the end of the summer 2017.