Links to relevant publications from the GT2.0 team


Fritz, S., See, L., Carlson, T., Haklay, M.(M.), Oliver, J.L., Fraisl, D., Mondardini, R., Brocklehurst, M., Shanley, L.A., Schade, S., Wehn, U., Abrate, T., Anstee, J., Arnold, S., Billot, M., Campbell, J., Espey, J., Gold, M., Hager, G., He, S., Hepburn, L., Hsu, A., Long, D., Masó, J., McCallum, I., Muniafu, M., Moorthy, I., Obersteiner, M., Parker, A.J., Weissplug, M. and West, S. (2019) Citizen science and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals


Gharesifard, M., Wehn, U. and van der Zaag, P. (2019) Context matters: a baseline analysis of contextual realities for two community-based monitoring initiatives of water and environment in Europe and Africa


Gharesifard, M., Wehn, U. and van der Zaag, P. (2019) What influences the establishment and functioning of community-based monitoring initiatives of water and environment? A conceptual framework


Mvulirwenande, S., Wehn, U. and Alaerts, G. (2019) – Policy factors explaining the failure of delegated management in water supply: evidence from Ghana


Pargman, T.C., Joshi, S., and Wehn, U. (2019) Experimenting with Novel Forms of Computing: The case of the Swedish Citizen Observatory for Water Quality Conservation


Wehn, U. and Almomani, A. (2019) Incentives and barriers for participation in community-based environmental monitoring and information systems: a critical analysis and integration of the literature



Henriksen, H.J. and Alfonso, L. (2018) Participatory early warning and monitoring systems: A Nordic framework for web-based flood risk management


Mazzoleni, M., Cortes Arevalo, V.J., Wehn, U., Alfonso, L., Norbiato, D., Monego, M., Ferri, M. and Solomatine, D. (2018) Exploring the influence of citizen involvement on the assimilation of crowdsourced observations: a modelling study based on the 2013 flood event in the Bacchiglione catchment (Italy)


Mazzoleni, M., Cortes Arevalo, V.J., Wehn, U., Alfonso, L., Norbiato, D., Monego, M., Ferri, M. and Solomatine, D. (2018) Towards assimilation of crowdsourced observations for different levels of citizen involvement: the flood event of 2013 in the Bacchiglione catchment


Wehn, U., Collins, K., Anema, K., Basco-Carrera, L. and Lerebours, A. (2018) Stakeholder engagement in water governance as social learning: lessons from practice



Gharesifard, M. , Wehn, U. and van der Zaag, P. (2017) Towards benchmarking citizen observatories: Features and functioning of online amateur weather networks –


Joshi, S. and Wehn, U. (2017) From Assumptions to Artifacts: Unfolding e-participation within Multi-level Governance



Gharesifard, M. and Wehn, U. (2016) To share or not to share: Drivers and barriers for sharing data via online amateur weather networks


Gharesifard, M. and Wehn, U. (2016) What Drives Citizens to Engage in ICT-enabled Citizen Science? Case Study of Online Amateur Weather Networks


Mazumdar, S., Lanfranchi, V., Ireson, N., Wrigley, S., Bagnasco, C., Wehn, U., McDonagh, R., Ferri, M., McCarthy, S., Huwald, H. and Ciravegna, F. (2016) Citizens observatories for effective Earth observations: the WeSenseIt Approach


Ngo Thu, H. and Wehn, U. (2016) Data Sharing in International Transboundary Contexts: The Vietnamese Perspective on Data Sharing in the Lower Mekong Basin


Siew Ping, N., Wehn, U. and van der Zaag, P. (2016) Towards two-way flood risk communication: current practice in a community in the UK, Water & Climate



Wehn, U. and Evers, J. (2015) The social innovation potential of ICT-enabled citizen observatories to increase eParticipation in local flood risk management


Wehn, U., McCarty, S., Lanfranchi, V. and Tapsell, S. (2015) Citizen observatories as facilitators of change in water governance? Experiences from three European cases


Wehn, U., Rusca, M., Evers, J. and Lanfranchi, V. (2015) Participation in flood risk management and the potential of citizen observatories: a governance analysis



Plengsaeng, B., Wehn, U. and van der Zaag, P. (2014) Data-sharing bottlenecks in transboundary integrated water resources management: A case study of the Mekong River Commission’s procedures for data sharing in the Thai context


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