Deliverable D4.4 Land Use Mapper communication toolkit
During the project development, the approach for the Land Use Mapper tool was completely rewritten
and a new description of activities was made, as explained in deliverable D2.14 Land Use Mapper web service.
In this new framework, the Land Use Mapper communication toolkit has evolved from being aimed at promoting the Land Use Mapper tool to being useful to the new developments. To that end, the communication toolkit will be used in this case to give support to the new activities foreseen, especially in the promotion of the validation campaigns for the different land use maps approaches.
This deliverable describes the new Ground Truth 2.0 Land Use Mapper communication toolkit developed
to provide diverse communication materials based on an agreed Ground Truth 2.0 visual identity to help
in promoting the calibration and validation campaigns aimed at stating the accuracy assessment of the
different existing land use products.
Download the deliverable here: