Deliverable D2.10 Customized platform for Spanish Demo Case (Second Version)

Ground Truth 2.0 (GT2.0) aims to demonstrate that sustainable Citizen Observatories (COs) are possible. This is done using the innovative approach of combining the social dimensions of citizen observatories with enabling technologies, so that the implementation of the respective citizen observatories in six Demo Cases is tailored to their envisaged societal and economic benefits. The Spanish Demo Case (SDC) aims for the creation of a Citizen Observatory that is constituted in a way that is sustainable over time, where phenological observations provided by the citizens in real time are collected, to form an information base that will allow influence public policy decisions in Catalonia, Spain. Its stakeholders named their own Citizen Observatory “”.
This report presents the enhanced version of the platform for the SDC Citizen Observatory that was developed jointly with end users during co-design sessions. The document is an update of the D2.4 – Customized platform for SDC (first version).

Download the deliverable here:


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