Ground Truth Week 2019 Webinars

The Ground Truth Week 2019 was celebrated online with a small series of webinars, covering an overview of the Ground Truth 2.0 project, the Ground Truth 2.0 methodology and respective citizen observatories that the project helped to set up using this methodology, as well as a number of outputs and tools.


Ground Truth Week 2019 - Webinar 1 - GT2.0 Week 2019 Overview


Ground Truth Week 2019 - Webinar 2 - GT2.0 Co-design methodology and citizen observatories


Ground Truth Week 2019 - Webinar 3.1 - Tool matching, Alberto Masa, Altran


Ground Truth Week 2019 - Webinar 3.2 - Data quality and interoperability, Dr. Joan Masó Pao, CREAF


Ground Truth Week 2019 - Webinar 3.3 - Land Use Mapper, Dr. Hans van der Kwast, IHE Delft