GEO week 2019 - Ministerial Summit
November 04, 2019 - November 09, 2019
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GEO brings together 105 Member governments, 127 international organizations and thousands of passionate individuals and businesses to use open data about our planet to drive sustained and inclusive economic growth.
Building on the 2015 Mexico City Declaration, the week’s events will focus on accelerating delivery of GEO’s Strategic Plan and ensuring data about our planet becomes a core input to our strategic economic decision making and our day-to-day business decisions.
All economic and business decisions must now consider how the planet is changing, and Earth observation data can improve our economies from top to bottom. GEO Week 2019 and the GEO Ministerial Summit will highlight how investments in Earth observation make this possible, delivering major returns on investment to our economies and communities.
Participants will explore how the integration of Earth observation data into our digital economies is key to driving progress on the big three global policy frameworks: the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Climate Agreement, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.